
Skin Polishing

Skin Polishing

What is Skin Polishing?

Skin polishing also goes by the terms ‘skin brightening’, ‘skin exfoliation’ and ‘microdermabrasion’. Skin polishing generally refers to a technique to improve the skin, its texture, improve acne, fine lines and spots around the skin. It is a way to improve your skin by making it more smoother, brighter and softer. The skin becomes more radiant as the dead skin is removed by killing the dead cells. This is a great method to reverse skin damage.


It can be carried out at home or at the dermatologist’s clinic. It should also never be performed without the advice of a skin expert.


This treatment requires the individual to attend various sessions and the skin is polished every time to make it look more appealing. It is widely used to provide the skin with the nutrition it lacks, and the dead skin cells are efficiently removed.


This treatment is safe and suitable for all skin types and the peeling method or dermabrasion is gentle and highly effective on the skin, nurturing the skin with every session. It is not a long process, consuming around 45 minutes in one session. There are barely any side effects to this treatment, as the skin is exposed to making it better in appearance and feel. The skin might undergo a temporary redness after the session, which wears off as the time passes.


Skin polishing is not only limited to the face and can be used on the neck, back and even the hands. Stretch marks, hyperkeratosis, scars, disorders, pigmentation, uneven skin etc., can be immediately cured with the skin polishing technique which promises a lifetime of healthy appearance, from the inside and out.


Before – After 
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